The choice of a bow tie over a traditional necktie is a bold move. It says that you are different and you’re ok with that.

In fact, you like it. So, it instantly takes your confidence level up a notch.
Now that you’re in the bow tie club, I have two questions for you.
Pre-tied or self-tied?
Why, what do you mean? Does it matter?
To me, there’s nothing like the feeling of tying your own bow. It makes me feel good. Like I’ve accomplished something. Like I am a professional in the game. Like I have something that I can teach others. It makes me feel like I am being intentional about how I look and that I have some input into my style. It makes me feel special and that I’m in control of my destiny. If I didn’t tie my own bow, it would be like me giving control to someone else to tell me what to say or do.
Now, make no mistake about it. I didn’t wake up one day, decide to wear and tie my own bow, and got it on the first try. Oh, contrary. It’s been a ride. Frustrating, yet invigorating. Success is so sweet. Don’t worry though, A Polished Man will offer bow tying classes to help you master the skill.
But, it may not be your thing. Convenience and perfection may get you just as excited. So that brings me to my next question.
Perfectly tied or tied with twist?

I have gotten feedback that my bow tie is crooked or not properly tied. I say, this my style. What’s interesting is that I’m OCD about a lot of things so you would think I need to have a flawless look, but I’ve grown to feel comfortable with my style and it doesn’t have to be perfect according to anyone else’s standards. It makes me, me.
What about you? Does your bow have to be perfectly tied with each side symmetrically laying flat with the perfect knot? Or are you rocking it with a twist? Share you thoughts on the bow tie in your style world and share you APM photos on Instagram, Facebook or Pinterest - we'd love to hear from you! - Charles
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